Saturday, April 23, 2011

According to shooting children's lives

Usually, we need to konica minolta np-900 battery arrange time and complicated background and light to shoot children, but sometimes the most moving pictures are those children in life under the condition without preparation. Completed pieces These special moving moments flashed across an, if want to ensure that moment to capture the moment, you need to always ready with cameras, the camera's battery power is enough, the camera's memory card has enough space.

Filming children, especially baby daily illuminated, clothes and background should try to choose konica minolta np-700 battery soft, light color attune and not mixed and disorderly pattern, striped, trademark or food scraps viewer will distraction to the shooting object outside. Texture soft knitting garment, silk, woolen sweater, artificial sweater, or any can emphasize photos of material can be gentle theme. Filming, lens should as far as possible with children in the same height, had better not choose overlooking this Angle photographs, because such Angle more kindness.

Use lambency lens, enhance your kindness, life in every little detail, is our precious memory.

In filming children, try not to make flash to the kid direct flash, flash of light is too strong, can instantly damage children's eyes. If indoor light darker, should try to choose in window light good place near film, can avoid to use flash. Digital Camera Battery

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