Thursday, March 29, 2012

Small fault reason and CPU common solution

The CPU is a high level of integration of HP 403808-001 Battery accessories, high reliability, normal use failure rate is not high. But if installation improper use or may be to bring a lot of unexpected trouble. CPU problems, the general conditions is unable to boot, the system without any response, namely press the power switch, case speaker without any blare bark, display without any display. If appear the above phenomenon, should doubt this effect may be the CPU and relevant.

Following a look at how to deal with the little common sense CPU fault

(1) the CPU is burned,HP 371916-001 Battery pressure bad. Open the case check, take down fan, take out CPU, then check whether there is a CPU be burned up and the trace of the bad press, and the CPU pins whether to bend or break.

(2) fan operation is normal or not. CPU run is normal and a CPU fan relations. Once out of fault fan, is likely to lead to CPU temperature is too high and is because burn out. Use at ordinary times when should not ignore HP 371913-001 Battery the CPU fan to maintain. For instance in the situation of low temperature, fan lubricant easy to failure, resulting in operation noise, and even fan bad, when should be removed the cleaning and refueling fan.

(3) CPU installation is correct. Check whether the CPU insert in place, and the CPU socket fixed stem whether fixed in place.

(4) jump line, voltage set correctly. In some using a jump line on the main board of the old a little attention, may the related parameters HP 383963-001 Battery of CPU set wrong. So in installation before the CPU, should be carefully read motherboard manual, carefully check the mainboard jump line is normal or not and to the CPU match.

(5) by Debug card. Debug card by reading 80 H address within the POST CODE, and the decoder decoding, finally by digital tube display,HP 396600-001 Battery which can tell whether parts CPU.

Under normal use, though rarely appears their damage HP HSTNN-IB45 Battery to the CPU, and even a person meet CP damage is like winning, but some problems still will face CPU weeks of occasional, above is the editor for everybody sort of some small fault processor CPU method, hope to help.

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