Sunday, August 26, 2012

CPU working voltage

CPU gateway ma3 laptop cpu fan working Voltage (Supply Voltage), namely the normal work of the CPU for Voltage. Any electrical appliances in work all need electricity, natural also have corresponding rated voltage, the CPU is not exceptional also. At present the working voltage of CPU, have a very obvious downtrend, low operating voltage, mainly has three advantages:

One is to adopt low voltage CPU chip, the total power consumption reduced. Power consumption is reduced, the operation of the system cost is reduced, this regarding the portable and mobile system is very important, make its existing battery can work longer, so that the life of the battery greatly extend;

The second is to reduce power consumption, the heating power decrease,gateway ma6 laptop cpu fan running temperature but high CPU, can and system better fit;

Three is to reduce voltage, but also improve the CPU basic frequency is one of the important factors.

CPU working voltage, divided into two aspects, the CPU gateway ma7 laptop cpu fan core voltage and the I/O voltage. Core voltage, namely drive CPU core chip voltage. The I/O voltage, it refers to drive the I/O circuit voltage. Usually CPU core voltage, less than or equal to the I/O voltage.

Early CPU (286 ~ 486 times) core voltage and the I/O is consistent, usually 5 v, due to the manufacturing process is relatively backward, so that the CPU calorific value is too large, shorten lead to the life. But then CPU integration is very low, and the current CPU integration is quite high, they are now more CPU calorific value. Along with the CPU manufacturing technology to improve, in recent years, all kinds of CPU gateway ma8 laptop cpu fan working voltage have gradually downward trend, at present with desktop CPU core voltage, usually to 2 v of less than, notebook special CPU working voltage, relatively more low, so as to achieve the purpose of sharply reduce power consumption, in order to prolong the life of the battery, and reduce the CPU calorific value. And now the CPU will through the special voltage ID (VID) pin to indicate the mainboard embedded voltage regulator, automatic setting the correct voltage level.

Many face new CPU mainboard, can provide special jumpers or software Settings. Through these jump line or software, can according to specific need to manually adjust the working voltage of CPU. Many experiments show that, in the overclocking, moderately increasing core voltage, can strengthen CPU internal signal, the CPU gateway mt6451 laptop cpu fan performance of ascension, there will be of great help. But that will also improve CPU power, influence the life and calorific value, it is suggested that the general users don't for this operation.

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