In the dell laptop keyboard Internet, in fact hide IP benefits a lot, simple in summary there are two points: one is in the surf the net prevent invaded/attack; Two is to accelerate the speed of the open web. Of course, most people hide IP is the most main purpose is to strengthen the security of the system name, from attack.
Now almost every with the network related software provide "proxy Settings", as long as simple set the can the real IP hidden, replaced by a proxy IP. Now say to hide the real IP specific methods.
The first method is to use "QQ agency announced device XP" and "SocksCap32". First of all operation QQ agency announced device XP,dell xps 15 l502x laptop keyboard in "agent type" place Socks5 selected, and checked the right "is testing agency" option, and then click on the toolbar [read data], and the program to return to acting IP information, select a fastest proxy IP, in its click button, select "duplicate IP" the order.
The next SocksCap32 start, into the main interface, click on the [File] - [Settings] command, open the Settings dialog box, just copy the IP address of the paste into "SocksSerVer" text box, port generally do not change (as the proxy IP the support of the port and decide). Select the "Socks Version 5" and click [sure] to return to the interface program. To QQ program, for example, click on the SocksCap32 program [File] - [New] command, in "ProfileName" text box random input "QQ", and then click [Browse] button dell xps m1330 laptop keyboard specified QQ procedures in the directory, finally press [OK] button. In SocksCap32 double-click on QQ icon, testing found that QQ can normal login, display IP is just setting agent IP. If QQ can not login, explain proxy server response is slow, then as long as to choose a response speed faster acting IP can.
Assigned to
MultiProxy is to use HTTP proxy hide IP. Method is the IE browser, in the address bar lose, although is full of English may be some look not to know, it doesn't matter, as long as the proxy IP dell xps m140 laptop keyboard copied to the Word, press [Ctrl + Shift + F8] key combination, put all the proxy IP outside of the content after deletion, again use "replace" function change forming such as * * *. * * *. * * *. * * * : port format. The operation is very simple, the IP and port between the two Spaces replace into ":" on it. Modification is completed, will file save into TXT file.
The next start MultiProxy program, click the interface [options] button, in "conventional choice" page "default overtime" time set longer such as "30", the other Settings remain unchanged. Switch to "proxy server list" page, and according to the lower right corner of the [menu] - [file] - [import proxy list] order, will just keep agent IP file open, at this time will pop up a "inspection agency" dialog box, press [sure], click again [sure] to return to the interface program. If just choose agent IP file unable to import to list, may exist in the file is not in conformity with the format of the IP dell xps m1530 laptop keyboard, will they change correctly, save to import after the can. Now, click on the [check all the agency] button, verification IP whether can be connected. After the inspection, click [options] button, switch to "proxy server list" page, click on the left bottom [menu] - [agent table] - [delete no response agent] command, then will ask "is sure to delete all no response agent", click on the [sure], and there is no answer agent IP after deletion, and the rest is can be connected agent IP, click on the [sure] button to return to the interface program.
Now start IE browser (don't close MultiProxy) test the, click on the [tools] - [Internet options] command, switch to "connection" page, here are two kind of situations: one kind is through the dial-up Internet access, in "dial-up connection" below selected a default dial-up connection, click the right "Settings", check the box "use a proxy server" in front of the small box, in the "address" input, in "port" input 8088 (this is MultiProxy default receiving port), and then click [senior], "for all agreement is using the same proxy server" before the small hook take out, continuous press [sure] button to exit; Another is by LAN share Internet, in the "connection" page click the dell xps m1710 laptop keyboard following [LAN Settings] button, followed by setting and as above. After the setting, login a can display IP BBS test once, can see true IP has been hidden, shows the proxy server IP.
So far has reached the hidden real IP purpose
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